Wednesday, November 12, 2014

1. Having to get along with the republicans.
2. He is working on a bill that ables better training for the people in the military that have already served.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The republicans took over. They were very many republicans voted in.  They were more males voted in then women. Elections are important because, if we didn't we would have the same people in office or no one in office so elections are very important to everyone. I think it is important to vote so people you want in office will be able to get voted in. People say one vote don't matter but yes one vote could matter so everyone should register to vote then vote. Then if you don't vote and someone you don't want to win wins they complain.
I think it is a great thing to have someone younger. I think she will do good things. I don't think it will hurt us in anyway.

Abortion: I think abortion should not be aloud. I don't even think abortion should be a option. As soon as a baby is conceived it is a unborn child which is a life. All babies should have a  chance to have a life. Even if a woman don't want to keep the child their are many people that wants to have a child but are unable to.

Death Penalty: If the crime is severe I believe it should be aloud. If a man kills another man then he should get the same thing he had did to another human being. If someone hurts a child then they deserve to receive the worst punishment possible. Not all crimes should lead to the death penalty.

Health Care; I believe everyone should have health care. People go to hospitals and receive a bill and never pay for it. I believe everyone should have some type of health care. People shouldn't think just because they have already been seen then they don't have to pay the hospitals.  

Welfare reform: Less people need to be on welfare. A lot of people abuse the systems. People on welfare should be check more often and make sure they are being honest about what they are saying. Some people lie to get as much welfare money as possible. Welfare should quit being handed out to people so often.

Crime rate at an all-time high :People that commit crime should pay for it more than what they do. If worse punishment was given to the ones who commit the crimes than less crimes would take place. If people know the punishment won't be harsh than they are going to continue committing crimes. 

I believe I am a republican. The democrats support things I do believe in. Republican supports things I like and they support a couple things I dislike but not as many as I dislike with the democratic party. So I would say I am a republican.

Monday, November 3, 2014

1.She wanted to die peacefully with family and friends. She wanted to stop suffering and die on her own time.
2. Its against peoples religion
3. My opinion is if you feel that your suffering and know that your dying then you should have the right to end your life. Its not no one else that has to deal with god for their sins.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

No this does not support my decision. It say the death penalty has many things that could go wrong with it I don't believe so.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I believe these laws ridiculous and outrageous! I believe whomever made these up had nothing better do with their lives. I think these law should be thrown out. Whomever is going to try to enforce these laws are going to look very dumb. I hope no abides by these laws.

Monday, October 27, 2014

1. He abandoned everyone on his ship and most of them where children.
2. Yes, he should receive the death penalty, He should have tried to save the children..
3.Yes , If not then people go to jail and tax payers have to pay for them to have water , electric, food and shelter. I believe if they did something so extreme then they don't deserve to live life without worrying about paying for anything.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

1.  They should look for better jobs like something medicine medical.
1. to show everyone what is good and what's bad.
2. Parkersburg WV.

Monday, October 13, 2014

1. Does this surprise me no way stuff like this always happens.
2. No they are never privacy they are to many hackers that do trios stuff all the time never trust anything or anyone online.

Friday, October 10, 2014

1.  euthanasia she won't be in pain no more and her family all knows and preparing themselves for it. suicide there family can't prepare them self but this woman actually has a reason.
2.I would feel the same way as her I wouldn't want to suffer if they was a cure it would be a different story.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

No I am not surprised of the findings. They need to handle it with care its important.
1. No other region would pay that much for a hamburger.
2. Yes, if it was given to me i would try it but I wouldn't pay for it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

1. They try to get you to read thing you don't need to and give your computer virus.
2. I'm glad someone is trying to do something about this problem.

Friday, October 3, 2014

1. I think it is really dumb and whoever proposed it isn't very smart.
2. yes amendment 9
3. A lot of people will leave and move out. Especially the ones that don't pay their bills.

1. Its wanting the same thing but it just explains what they want to pass. It makes them sound better.
2.The 25$ fee , show you pay your bills and mow your lawn.
3.I think its ridiculous and think its against the law to do it.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


1. That we shouldn't be worried because its hard to spread
2. The flu and the measles are around here and easy to spread so we should be more worried about them.
3. I just really don't want to get it. But im not to worried right yet cause it is not really close to us. If i hear that it gets closer than I will be very worried.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1. No, I do not believe he should have gotten a penalty. If it is someone's religion they should be aloud as long as it is not harming him or someone else's safety.
2. Amendment 1 Freedom to Religion
3. Asking how can he do it without getting a penalty.
1. This will change rape allegations they will be stuff being said both ways.
2 I still believe it will be the same thing it will just be the girls word against the guys.

Monday, September 29, 2014

They were protesting for elections and free elections.

The circuit court overturns a restriction about carrying concealed handguns. It says basically every other amendment still applies outside of your home so shouldn't the Right to Bear Arms. Even this amendment should be treated the same as any other amendment.
The supreme court refused to hear Burton vs. Sills. And one of the things was concerning the Fourth Amendment.Some African Americans was being deprived of some of their rights like freedom to assemble and freedom to bear arms.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I believe the smoking in the parks and things should be banned. But in a place like Lil Moe's should be aloud if they wanted people are old enough to make their own decisions. I believe the E cigs should not be banned because, they aren't able to give second hand smoke.

Monday, September 22, 2014

I believe age sixteen is to young to vote. They are to young to realize how they should vote. Age eighteen is a okay age to vote it is better than age sixteen.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

8-15-14 parents who ignore the sign there children give them like them being violent and things are the parents fault. parents should pay more attention to there kids so they will be less child murders.
I don't believe any child should be punished by being whipped. Their are many other ways to punish kids like time out or take valuable items away from them. When our parents were kids their parents were aloud to punish them however they wanted. Now if you smack or whip your kid not only are you in trouble but your kids can be taken away after your family gets investigated. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

This is very scary to me. Even though it is scary it dosen't mean our county can't handle this. I don't think we should wait i think we need to take care of this before something bad happens. I think we all should be very concerned.

Friday, September 5, 2014

1 Fake cellphone towers could be bad for someone people. People who are getting their text and phone calls hacked into then it could be bad because, people could find out where you live or where you are, people could find personal information out about you, and people could get your credit or debit card numbers. 2.They could be near military bases because, someone is wanting to find out certain information about stuff not everyone is aloud to know.3. I believe the US government is behind it because maybe they want to catch people doing things illegal. They also could be behind the fake cellphone towers do to lack of information on their side. They also could be doing it to make people wonder who could be behind it.
This is going to cause a lot of problems for India. The U.S needs to leave it alone and let them work it out on their own.
Rick Perry threatened to cut off funding. The problem was the program was investigated checked into the things that were wrong about Texas public officials.  I think he should have done it.
 No I am not surprised they are getting hacked if its on the internet anyone can find it. Yes I don't post stuff that I don't want everyone to know about or anything I will regret. Yes they should be in trouble because hacking is illegal.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


  I believe this product is as great thing to have. If it works like they say it does then they made s great item. Only thing attackers might find a new way to give you the date rape drug. But every product has its up and downs. Its cool that their is nail polish that changes color. When you stir your drink with your finger and your nail polish changes color then you know their is a date rape drug in it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

After the earthquake it left over 172 people injured. It caused extensive amount of damage. After shock of the earthquake is expected to continue for many weeks. They say the quake hit around 3:00 a.m. Sunday. Out of the 172 injured !3 are admitted to the hospital for broken bones, respitory or cardiac conditions.

Friday, August 22, 2014

The purpose of taxes is to help pay cost of running government. It helps get the common goods supplies. Taxes are for our low budget that are short every year that we need extra money for. I think everyone with income should pay just the same as everyone else.
I believe welfare is a big problem for United States today. I believe they are to many people that would rather take our states money and do nothing rather than actually work for a living. People should want to get up and work rather than do nothing.

Drugs are a big problem as well. It seems like every time you watch the news theirs five or more arrested for drug charges. Their is so many people that is on drugs that kill people. They are many people that are on drugs and can't even take care of their own kids.

Drinking and driving is a big thing. It seems like everyone goes out and drunk then instead of getting someone sober to drive they believe they are just fine to drive. So many people get hurt and die from careless drunk drivers. They need to give harsher punishments to the ones who drink drive.
Local police should never shot \Brown. Excessive force was used in this situation and it means doing more than necessary I would have a town meeting so everyone can talk about the situation calmly and safety. With as less police officers from Ferguson as possible.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Some people are going and dumping a bucket of ice water so that they don't have to donate money to a good cause. The ones that are picked to do the challenge has 24 hours to complete the challenge or pay up. . I don't believe its helping if people are just dumping water over someone's else's head. I believe they have the right idea at least they are trying to help. I believe if you get nominated  twice then you should pay a small donation. But as long as people are trying to help others that are in need then I'm fine with it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

              Dear Sonya ,
  I want to graduate at the end of this year. I hope to go to culinary school by 2016. By August 18th I will be moved out of my parents house. I want to be able to do things on my own. Then I will go to Pittsburgh so I can get a degree at the culinary arts. After I finish my two years at the school then I plan to open my own restaurant in a bigger area. I want to have all home cooked food in my restaurant. I don't want to have a lot of unhealthy food in my restaurant.