Wednesday, November 12, 2014

1. Having to get along with the republicans.
2. He is working on a bill that ables better training for the people in the military that have already served.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The republicans took over. They were very many republicans voted in.  They were more males voted in then women. Elections are important because, if we didn't we would have the same people in office or no one in office so elections are very important to everyone. I think it is important to vote so people you want in office will be able to get voted in. People say one vote don't matter but yes one vote could matter so everyone should register to vote then vote. Then if you don't vote and someone you don't want to win wins they complain.
I think it is a great thing to have someone younger. I think she will do good things. I don't think it will hurt us in anyway.

Abortion: I think abortion should not be aloud. I don't even think abortion should be a option. As soon as a baby is conceived it is a unborn child which is a life. All babies should have a  chance to have a life. Even if a woman don't want to keep the child their are many people that wants to have a child but are unable to.

Death Penalty: If the crime is severe I believe it should be aloud. If a man kills another man then he should get the same thing he had did to another human being. If someone hurts a child then they deserve to receive the worst punishment possible. Not all crimes should lead to the death penalty.

Health Care; I believe everyone should have health care. People go to hospitals and receive a bill and never pay for it. I believe everyone should have some type of health care. People shouldn't think just because they have already been seen then they don't have to pay the hospitals.  

Welfare reform: Less people need to be on welfare. A lot of people abuse the systems. People on welfare should be check more often and make sure they are being honest about what they are saying. Some people lie to get as much welfare money as possible. Welfare should quit being handed out to people so often.

Crime rate at an all-time high :People that commit crime should pay for it more than what they do. If worse punishment was given to the ones who commit the crimes than less crimes would take place. If people know the punishment won't be harsh than they are going to continue committing crimes. 

I believe I am a republican. The democrats support things I do believe in. Republican supports things I like and they support a couple things I dislike but not as many as I dislike with the democratic party. So I would say I am a republican.

Monday, November 3, 2014

1.She wanted to die peacefully with family and friends. She wanted to stop suffering and die on her own time.
2. Its against peoples religion
3. My opinion is if you feel that your suffering and know that your dying then you should have the right to end your life. Its not no one else that has to deal with god for their sins.