Monday, September 29, 2014

They were protesting for elections and free elections.

The circuit court overturns a restriction about carrying concealed handguns. It says basically every other amendment still applies outside of your home so shouldn't the Right to Bear Arms. Even this amendment should be treated the same as any other amendment.
The supreme court refused to hear Burton vs. Sills. And one of the things was concerning the Fourth Amendment.Some African Americans was being deprived of some of their rights like freedom to assemble and freedom to bear arms.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I believe the smoking in the parks and things should be banned. But in a place like Lil Moe's should be aloud if they wanted people are old enough to make their own decisions. I believe the E cigs should not be banned because, they aren't able to give second hand smoke.

Monday, September 22, 2014

I believe age sixteen is to young to vote. They are to young to realize how they should vote. Age eighteen is a okay age to vote it is better than age sixteen.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

8-15-14 parents who ignore the sign there children give them like them being violent and things are the parents fault. parents should pay more attention to there kids so they will be less child murders.
I don't believe any child should be punished by being whipped. Their are many other ways to punish kids like time out or take valuable items away from them. When our parents were kids their parents were aloud to punish them however they wanted. Now if you smack or whip your kid not only are you in trouble but your kids can be taken away after your family gets investigated. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

This is very scary to me. Even though it is scary it dosen't mean our county can't handle this. I don't think we should wait i think we need to take care of this before something bad happens. I think we all should be very concerned.

Friday, September 5, 2014

1 Fake cellphone towers could be bad for someone people. People who are getting their text and phone calls hacked into then it could be bad because, people could find out where you live or where you are, people could find personal information out about you, and people could get your credit or debit card numbers. 2.They could be near military bases because, someone is wanting to find out certain information about stuff not everyone is aloud to know.3. I believe the US government is behind it because maybe they want to catch people doing things illegal. They also could be behind the fake cellphone towers do to lack of information on their side. They also could be doing it to make people wonder who could be behind it.
This is going to cause a lot of problems for India. The U.S needs to leave it alone and let them work it out on their own.
Rick Perry threatened to cut off funding. The problem was the program was investigated checked into the things that were wrong about Texas public officials.  I think he should have done it.
 No I am not surprised they are getting hacked if its on the internet anyone can find it. Yes I don't post stuff that I don't want everyone to know about or anything I will regret. Yes they should be in trouble because hacking is illegal.