Thursday, October 30, 2014

No this does not support my decision. It say the death penalty has many things that could go wrong with it I don't believe so.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I believe these laws ridiculous and outrageous! I believe whomever made these up had nothing better do with their lives. I think these law should be thrown out. Whomever is going to try to enforce these laws are going to look very dumb. I hope no abides by these laws.

Monday, October 27, 2014

1. He abandoned everyone on his ship and most of them where children.
2. Yes, he should receive the death penalty, He should have tried to save the children..
3.Yes , If not then people go to jail and tax payers have to pay for them to have water , electric, food and shelter. I believe if they did something so extreme then they don't deserve to live life without worrying about paying for anything.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

1.  They should look for better jobs like something medicine medical.
1. to show everyone what is good and what's bad.
2. Parkersburg WV.

Monday, October 13, 2014

1. Does this surprise me no way stuff like this always happens.
2. No they are never privacy they are to many hackers that do trios stuff all the time never trust anything or anyone online.

Friday, October 10, 2014

1.  euthanasia she won't be in pain no more and her family all knows and preparing themselves for it. suicide there family can't prepare them self but this woman actually has a reason.
2.I would feel the same way as her I wouldn't want to suffer if they was a cure it would be a different story.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

No I am not surprised of the findings. They need to handle it with care its important.
1. No other region would pay that much for a hamburger.
2. Yes, if it was given to me i would try it but I wouldn't pay for it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

1. They try to get you to read thing you don't need to and give your computer virus.
2. I'm glad someone is trying to do something about this problem.

Friday, October 3, 2014

1. I think it is really dumb and whoever proposed it isn't very smart.
2. yes amendment 9
3. A lot of people will leave and move out. Especially the ones that don't pay their bills.

1. Its wanting the same thing but it just explains what they want to pass. It makes them sound better.
2.The 25$ fee , show you pay your bills and mow your lawn.
3.I think its ridiculous and think its against the law to do it.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


1. That we shouldn't be worried because its hard to spread
2. The flu and the measles are around here and easy to spread so we should be more worried about them.
3. I just really don't want to get it. But im not to worried right yet cause it is not really close to us. If i hear that it gets closer than I will be very worried.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1. No, I do not believe he should have gotten a penalty. If it is someone's religion they should be aloud as long as it is not harming him or someone else's safety.
2. Amendment 1 Freedom to Religion
3. Asking how can he do it without getting a penalty.
1. This will change rape allegations they will be stuff being said both ways.
2 I still believe it will be the same thing it will just be the girls word against the guys.